Blog: Lyndon Marquis

Sphagnum, heather and cottongrass © Lizzie Shepherd


 A carnivorous sundew plant nestled amongst Sphagnum medium

15 Years of Yorkshire Peat Partnership

As autumn trudges in, we trudge out onto the moors to start the restoration season, swaddled in layers, heads bowed in obeisance to the weather.

Divine bog moss (Sphagnum divinum)

Give Peat a Chance

We're curating an exhibition at the Dales Countryside Museum in Hawes, look at thousands of years of peatland history in the Yorkshire Dales.

Aerial view of peatland restoration in Nidderdale

The Great North Bog at COP26

You may have heard about the Great North Bog over the past few months and wanted to find out more. The formal launch will take place in spring 2022, but the Peatland Pavilion at COP26 will be…