Bog blog

Sphagnum, heather and cottongrass © Lizzie Shepherd


Red and green hummock formed of Sphagnum papillosum and Sphagnum capillifolium

Sweat the small stuff

There is more than meets the eye when gazing upon a blanket bog (upland peat bog) carpeted in sphagnum moss, shrubs and sedges.

A Geode Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver

An Ode to Geode

The 2021/22 report from Yorkshire Peat Partnership identified that in total approximately 6,500 ha of foot surveys have been completed by the team since 2009.

Laying a peat core in protective wrapping

Core blimey

Peat cores evidence thousands of years of climate and environmental change. So, what are our cores telling us about Yorkshire’s landscape?