Peatland Pathways

A group of participants on the Peatland Pathways course taking a lunchbreak on a peat bog

Peatland Pathways participants stopping for lunch on Fleet Moss © YDNPA

Peatland Pathways is...

Two days of on-the-bog experience in the Yorkshire Dales for young people curious about green jobs in the peatland restoration sector. In this free course you’ll learn about incredible upland ecosystems and the services they provide us, and gain hands-on experience carrying out surveys using the latest technology. Find out all about the different pathways into peatland jobs; apprenticeships, traineeships and more, and hear directly from employers what skills they look for. Contact us, selecting Peatland training from the dropdown menu, to get involved!


Is Peatland Pathways suitable for me?

The course is aimed ages 16+, particularly young people considering their next steps in education or employment. If you are thinking about apprenticeships, college, higher education or applying for jobs, and you’d like a real taste of what it’s like working in the uplands, this course is for you.

What previous experience do I need?


How much does it cost?

Thanks to DEFRA’s Nature for Climate Fund, we are currently able to offer Peatland Pathways for free.

What kit do I need?

Clothes and shoes suitable for wet, cold and windy weather. Some kit is available to borrow.

Can my school/college/other group attend all together?

Yes! Teachers, tutors and group leaders please contact us with your enquiry.

A group of participants on the Peatland Pathways course out on a peat bog recording information on tablets

Peatland Pathways participants learning how to use tablets for monitoring © YDNPA

See you on the bog...