We have brought 42,800 ha of blanket bog (45% of the estimated total for our operational area) into restoration management*.
Yorkshire Peat Partnership 15 year report
Yorkshire Peat Partnership 15 year report
Annual report 2023-2024
Annual report 2022-2023
Annual report 2021-2022
10 years of restoring Yorkshire’s upland peatlands
Yorkshire Peat Partnership 2009 to 2017 summary report
Yorkshire Peat Partnership: Five years on
We have blocked 2,632 km of eroding grips and gullies and reprofiled 3,915 km of hags*.
Yorkshire Peat Partnership survey specification
Yorkshire Peat Partnership works monitoring protocol
In our 2022/23 survey season, we completed over 1,710 ha of aerial surveys.
Find out more about blanket bog, sphagnum and our work through blog posts from our colleagues and partners...
*as at March 2023